Research service calculator

Instant Price Estimate
Estimator Contact information
Use this calculator to build your research project. Choose the type of research products and services you want BeanBakers to implement. A cost estimation will be shown at the bottom of the calculator. Your choices can be sent to us and we will contact you to arrange a meeting. This calculator estimates the cost of projects done with surveys and interviews. However, if you are interested in using other data collection methods or different kind of data, please contact us via the contact form or give us a call to answer all your questions. Please notice that the price given below the form is only an estimation. Every research process is different and certain parts of the process affect the price more than others. For example, the costs may vary depending on how much preparation the data needs before being analysed or how detailed report is expected. The results of this calculator are only estimations as we evaluate each project individually and always strive to offer the best price and quality to our clients.

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